24 Short Prayers for America

It is imperative that we continue to pray for the United States of America, for the Lord has promised that America will be saved! Join us with these prayer points below.
Prayer Points

  1. Heavenly Father, we come before You, seeking Your protection over America. In Psalm 91:4, You promise to cover us with Your feathers and provide refuge under Your wings. Shield our nation from all forms of terrorism and keep us safe from harm.
  2. Lord, we declare Your words from Isaiah 54:17, that no weapon formed against America shall prosper. May Your divine protection surround our borders, cities, people, waterways and the U.S. electric grid, guarding us against any acts of terror.
  3. Gracious God, in Psalm 121:8, You promise to watch over our coming and going, both now and forevermore. We ask for Your constant vigilance and guidance, protecting us from any potential threats.
  4. Heavenly Father, we pray for wisdom and discernment for our leaders and law enforcement agencies. Grant them the knowledge and skills needed to prevent and respond effectively to any acts of terrorism.
  5. Lord, in Proverbs 21:31, we are reminded that victory belongs to You. We ask for Your divine intervention to thwart any plans of terrorism and bring peace to our nation.
  6. Almighty God, we lift up our military personnel, police officers, and first responders. Strengthen them and equip them with the necessary tools to safeguard our nation from any harm or danger.
  7. Heavenly Father, in Psalm 34:7, You promise that Your angel encamps around those who fear You. We ask for angelic protection over America, guarding us against any acts of terror.
  8. Lord, we pray for unity among our citizens, that we may stand together against terrorism and support one another in times of crisis. Help us to foster a community of love, peace, and understanding.
  9. Gracious God, we pray against any spirit of fear that may try to grip our nation. Replace fear with courage, faith, and resilience, knowing that You are our ultimate protector.
  10. Heavenly Father, in Jeremiah 29:11, You declare that You have plans to prosper us and not to harm us. We trust in Your sovereignty and ask for Your protection over America’s future, shielding us from any terror attacks.
  11. Lord, we pray for the families and loved ones affected by past acts of terrorism. Comfort them, heal their wounds, and grant them peace that surpasses all understanding.
  12. Almighty God, in Psalm 125:1–2, You promise that those who trust in You are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken. We put our trust in You, believing that Your protection will prevail over any acts of terrorism.
  13. Heavenly Father, we pray for divine intervention to expose and dismantle any terrorist plots before they can be carried out. Foil their plans and protect innocent lives.
  14. Lord, we lift up our intelligence agencies, asking for wisdom and insight as they gather information to prevent acts of terrorism. Grant them success in their efforts to keep our nation safe.
  15. Gracious God, we ask for Your mercy and grace to fall upon those who may be influenced by extremist ideologies. Bring transformation and healing to their hearts, turning them away from violence and hatred.
  16. Heavenly Father, we pray Psalm 140:4, that You would keep America safe from the hands of the wicked and protect us from those who plan to cause harm.
  17. Lord, we pray for a spirit of discernment among our citizens, that we may be alert to potential threats and report any suspicious activities to the authorities promptly.
  18. Almighty God, in Psalm 91:3, You promise to deliver us from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. We claim Your protection over America, safeguarding us from all forms of terrorism.
  19. Heavenly Father, we pray for peace to prevail in troubled regions around the world. Help us to work toward understanding and unity so that terrorism may be eradicated from the root.
  20. Lord, we pray for the families who have lost loved ones to acts of terrorism. Surround them with Your love and comfort, healing their broken hearts and granting them strength.
  21. Gracious God, we pray for the safety of our transportation systems, airports, and public spaces. Protect them from any potential attacks and ensure the well-being of all who travel within our borders.
  22. Heavenly Father, in Psalm 46:1, You declare that You are our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. We lean on Your strength and ask for Your protection over America in times of crisis.
  23. Lord, we pray for the eradication of extremist ideologies that fuel acts of terrorism. Replace hatred and violence with love and understanding, bringing about lasting peace.
  24. Almighty God, we ask for Your guidance and protection over our educational institutions. Shield our schools and universities from any potential acts of terror, ensuring the safety of our students. Amen!
    Source: Elijah List: 7.23.2024 by Charlie Shamp

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